Brianna Sommers
I'm sorry, but I just can't give this game anything higher than a 1 star. It has the least intuitive way of transferring save data between devices that it's nearly impossible. It also doesn't make you aware that save data can't go between the switch and phone. You also need your support ID, as good luck actually linking your account to Google. So if your phone breaks you lose everything. Really wanted to play this game, but this is the second time I've started over and I'm done.
4 people found this review helpful

Brandin Titanich
I've honestly never had a worse experience. It looks great, but it simply doesn't run on anything. Not on my Moto G5 Play, not on my Samsung Galaxy S9, Not on my Samsung Galaxy S24, not on my Nintendo Switch, not at home with high speed internet, at work with faster internet, at the public library, hotels, anywhere. I've literally tried over the course of 5 years. It asks you to update at the start screen, then says unable to connect to the internet and gives an error code. Same error for 5years
9 people found this review helpful

Katie Stapleton
The game has turned into a pay-to-play. Don't expect anything special if you're not willing to keep repaying for EACH of the multiple events that occur at the same time. It's also reoccurring, time sensitive, and no guarantee that you will achieve the final goal. The graphics are beautiful and cute. It is fun, but becomes a grind quickly even after paying.
9 people found this review helpful