A Google user
Simply fantastic, very well written, slightly tongue in cheek scenario. But its the perfect dose of puzzle quality vs difficulty that makes this game very very playable. Some of the puzzles were also very unique which made for some nice challenges, surprises. Definately worth buying. Well done guys, now bring us another.
4 people found this review helpful

Natalie Nichols
Cool mid-century modern spy theme and art. I appreciate how easy it is to navigate and that it's brightly lit. Some puzzle and escape games are rendered in such dark colors/light you can hardly make out what you're looking at. The game developers make it challenging but leave the trail of clues out in a way that makes sense. Lots of fun; I'm hooked 20 minutes in 😁
4 people found this review helpful

Brandy Betkowski
Amazing puzzler that's not too tough. I loved the variation in puzzle types and unique tasks to be completed. The complexity is there without frustration of too much difficulty that you give up. It looks great and has some comedic elements. Hope they plan to bring out Agent B for the next one! Took me a little over a week as a full time worker with kids who has only a little time to dedicate to games. Would recommend.
17 people found this review helpful